Business Constellations International
Discover this powerful method and your world will never be the same
There are differente ways to benefit from business constellations. Choose your own way.

Learn the Craft Yourself
I offer different options to learn how to facilitate business constellations. Online, level 1 or more advanced training options. Check out my calendar for the possibilities

Follow a Workshop
Experience the power of business constellations in an in-person or online workshop. Check my calendar for the possibilities.

1-on-1 Business Constellation
Use a business constellation to find intuitive solutions to your business issue. Contact me to discuss the possibilities.
What are business constellations?
Discover the power of this method
Business constellations and organizational constellations are both synonyms for a powerful, relatively new method to analyze complex problems, find sustainable solutions, and free the energy to take the necessary steps. They give you in-depth insight and help you to establish the source of a problem in a short time. Business constellations can be used for analysis purposes or to gain insight into a decision you need to make as a leader.
Business constellations can also bring new resolutions to the company and release energy and resources in the organization.
Business constellations are a cousin of family constellations that are used in therapy to transform personal issues and create balance in personal relationships.

A short explanation about business constellations
Where can you apply business constellations?

Many ways to benefit from business constellations
Business or organizational constellations are a great intuitive management method to use with complex or repetitive problems. When you have tried many rational methods and can’t find a solution, a business constellation can shine a new light on things.
Areas in which business constellations are the ideal solution include:
- Management decisions about transformations in the organization e.g. mergers, reorganizations
- Marketing (intuitive marketing) e.g. what marketing channels to use, which products to develop, identifying why sales are dropping
- Strategy development
- When you sense there is something wrong, but can’t put your finger on it
- When there is a conflict and the source is unclear or doesn’t appear to make sense
- Team building and resolving problems in teams
- High employee turnover
- Recruitment
How do business constellations work?
Business constellations focus on business questions. The following steps describe the process of a business constellation.
- A manager, entrepreneur, or business owner with a question comes to a constellation workshop. In a short interview, the facilitator explores the question and together with the manager, he decides upon the main elements that are important for the question. Examples of elements: a new product, a management team, a department, a goal, a market, a marketing strategy, money, or the reason the company was founded.
- Then the manager chooses representatives for the elements. These representatives are other participants of the workshop who do not know the background of the question or the company.
- He then places the representatives intuitively in the room, in a way that represents his inner image of the situation. Then, he can watch the constellation unfold.
- Guided by the facilitator, the representatives of the elements share what they observe and sense. They can also move based on their inner movement.
- Slowly but forcefully, a pattern emerges that is not created by rational thinking but by embodied knowledge and access to the system’s collective intelligence. This way, the hidden dynamics of the organization or team are shown. Aided by the facilitator and the information that the representatives show, a path to a solution emerges.
The way representatives embody the information is called somatic information. It is completely different from acting since it emerges as soon as participants are placed as representatives and the information disappears as soon as they are released from their role as representatives. The best way to ‘understand’ business constellations is to experience one.
What are the results of a business constellation?
A business or organizational constellation will not only give the mind insights about the solution, but at a much deeper level the whole system will be rebalanced, and this way a new reality is created. As a result, energy is released to take the necessary steps.
Results could be concrete actions needed to change the situation, an inner movement that helps the manager to deal with the situation, a lasting team experience that binds the team together, deep-felt insight into the root cause of the problem, or renewed energy that makes it easier for the people in the organization to take the necessary steps.

What is the Link with Theory U and Teal Organizations?
Business Constellations are a great way to tap into the subconscious level and retrieve information that is normally not available to us. This enables us to broaden our sensing much more than when using other methods. Moreover learning to facilitate constellations requires you to develop your sensing skills and intuition. That is what you will surely learn in this training. It helps you connect with the source at the bottom of the U and by doing so you can help your clients connect to the source as well.
The basic stance for a facilitator is an open mind, open heart and open will as well as being connected to what is called the empty middle. This stance helps you to follow the energy of the constellation instead of controlling it with your mind and will. By following the flow of the constellation, the results are much more impactful.
This will enable you to facilitate people and organizations to find solutions that are sustainable and already in sync with the emerging future, and that are good for the organization, the people and the planet.
Business constellations are a systemic way of looking at businesses that helps us to create organizations that work in a natural and balanced way. Constellations are grounded in a holistic and interdependent view of the world. They are based on the premise that there are neither perpetrators nor victims, that parts of a system contain all information of the whole and that there is a system consciousness that affects everything and everyone in the system. Such a systemic wapproach to businesses could help us render any team or organization successful but also offer a doorway that help us co-create the next generation of organizations (referred to as “teal” in Reinventing Organizations by Fréderic Laloux) based on wholeness, evolutionary purpose and self-management.

How Do Constellations Relate to Social Presencing Theatre, Gestalt therapy and Psycho Drama?
Bert Hellinger, the founder of constellations (first family constellations) based this method on gestalt therapy and psycho drama. What he added was sensing and tapping into the collective consciousness to bring up information in different forms (words, postures, movements) that helps the client to identify the root cause of the problem and to find the sustainable solution.
Other than in Social Presencing Theatre, constellations emerge from a question. They not only show the current reality with its many layers, but add the path to resolving the issues at hand. The amazing aspect is that when more peace and balance has evolved in a constellation, the same is true for the real world outside the workshop room. People behave differently, the client thinks differently and old patterns seem to have vanished.
Constellations are both an experience of sensing and connecting with one’s intuition, as well as a way of bringing more balance and healing to systems.
How are you going to benefit from business constellations?

Learn the Craft Yourself
I offer different options to learn how to facilitate business constellations. Online, level 1 or more advanced training options.

Follow a Workshop
Experience the power of business constellations in an in-person or online workshop. Check my calendar for the possibilities.

1-on-1 Business Constellation
Use a business constellation to find intuitive solutions to your business issue. Contact me to discuss the possibilities.
There is so much to learn
My name is Martijn Meima and I am the business intuition expert from the Netherlands and owner of Business Intuition. Since 2008, I have been working with business constellations. I have gathered a lot of information, insights, lessons, and practical tips from it. In the resources below, I share some of them. Enjoy it.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Visit my LinkedIn profile for more information about me and to connect.