Posts on Intuition, Business and Personal Development
Below you will find articles, videos, and interesting links in the field of entrepreneurship, intuition, and personal growth.

Passing a threshold meditation
In this meditation you will connect with what you need to let go of, what you can take with you and what the new will bring.
6 Steps to Fulfill Your Dreams
How to deal with resistance when you fulfill your dreams. In this blog I give you 6 steps to fulfill your dreams.
The Art of Facilitating Business Constellations
In this webinar I tell you more about what it takes to facilitate business constellations.
Book Presentation The Effortless Entrepreneur
On september 7 2021 my book “The Effortless Entrepreneur” was launched. Here you can watch the recording of the book launch. In it I tell you more about the six success accelerators from my book using examples from the writing and translating…
Discover The Power Of Facilitating Business Constellations
In this webinar I share my experience and knowledge about facilitating business constellations. You will also do a constellation for yourself.
Your intuitive way out of the COVID crisis 2
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Your intuitive way out of the COVID crisis
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